Bangladesh Coaching Alliance

Bangladesh Coaching Alliance (BCA)—an initiative of Quazi Consultants—is an integrated platform uniting coaching enthusiasts, those in training to be a coach, trained coaches and/or certified coaches to inspire growth and empowerment to reach their full potential.

Vision & Mission


We envision a thriving and smart Bangladesh where a culture of coaching is deeply embedded, driving growth and development in individuals, teams, and organizations across the private, social, and public sectors.


To cultivate a robust coaching culture in Bangladesh that empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve their highest potential and drive sustainable growth.


Our main objectives are to elevate people’s awareness and understanding of coaching and its transformative potential. We aim to create a supportive and collaborative environment where coaches can engage in knowledge-sharing, continuous learning, and mutual growth. Additionally, we aspire to disseminate the best practices and methodologies in coaching, which adhere to recognized international coaching standards.


BCA will undertake a host of activities, including but not limited to – training workshops, webinars, and seminars on various aspects of coaching; networking events for creating meaningful connections among coaching professionals; and the provision of mentoring services to burgeoning coaching enthusiasts. In essence, we conduct activities that foster an environment conducive to learning, sharing, and growing together.

Potential Impact

By advocating coaching as a development tool, we envisage a positive societal shift wherein people have a greater understanding of their capabilities, potential, and the role they can play in their own and others’ empowerment. We expect this mindset shift to not only optimize personal efficiency and productivity but also engender more harmonious, productive workplaces where everyone contributes their best and thrives.

Future Vision

 Looking forward, BCA aspires to establish coaching as an integral part of the societal fabric, promoting a growth mindset and a culture of continuous learning. We envision a future where everyone recognizes the potential of effective and ethical coaching and seeks to make the most of this extraordinary tool for personal and professional growth.